Real Human Robot
Small Wonder is an American science fiction that aired in first-run syndication from September 7, 1985 to May 20, 1989. The show chronicles the family of a robotics engineer who, after he secretly creates a robot modeled after a real human girl, tries to pass it off as their daughter.
The storylines revolve around V.I.C.I. (an acronym for "Voice Input Child Identicant", pronounced Vicki), an android in the form of a 10-year-old girl, built by Ted Lawson, an engineer/inventor for United Robotronics, in an effort to assist handicapped children. The robot is taken home by Lawson so that it can mature within a family environment. V.I.C.I.'s features include superhuman strength and speed, an AC outlet under her right arm, a parallel port under her left arm, and an access panel in her back. Despite this, the Lawson family tries to pass the robot off as their adopted daughter.
Information about Victoria "Vicki" Ann Smith-Lawson - A robot modeled after a real human girl. The robot was a Voice Input Child Identicant (V.I.C.I.), but was nicknamed Vicki. She has real hair and realistic skin. She possesses super human strength and speed and runs on atomic power. Vicki has an access panel in her back, an electric socket in her right armpit, and an RS-232 serial port under her left armpit. Vicki's artificial intelligence is not perfect. She is incapable of emotion, speaks in a monotone voice, and interprets most commands literally. She does manage to blend in to the real world to a point. Vicki attends school, and no one but her family members and a few trusted friends know her secret. Occasionally Vicki had rare abilities that seemed to only appear in one or two episodes, such as elongating her neck to reach a door's peephole, shrinking her size to become as small as a doll or making herself ten feet tall to get noticed by everyone. One recurring theme was that Vicki had a super-powered learning system which enabled her to improve upon something such as a new detergent or to greatly increase the gas mileage of cars, which Ted and Jamie often saw as a chance to get rich quick, only to find her improvements were not perfect. Vicki lives in a large cabinet in Jamie's bedroom, and becomes more human over the course of the show.
Security Systems Robot
A new Canadian company called Dr. Robot has developed a small android called Dr. Robot which can be used either for entertainment or as a Home Security System . This android can walk and stands about 60 cm tall. It will be offered in May of 2003 for $1500 – $3000 each. The company is located in Markham, Ontario, Canada.
This robot acts as a Industrial robot because it does the same task of being a security system for your home
It acts as a Domestic Robot by being in a domestic environment and helping around with chores like protect the house
It is also a Entertainment Robot because it can walk/dance around
This robot maid designed by Toyota and engineers from the University of Tokyo is a general-purpose household robot. Perhaps the most remarkable thing about this robot is that it can analyze mistakes (like running into a table) and then learn to avoid the same errors in the future.
This robot is able to pick up clothes from a chair (or even from the floor), and then carry them over to the washer, open the door and put them in. It is able to run for about an hour on its battery charge, using wide-angle stereo cameras, stereo telescopic cameras, omnidirectional cameras and ultrasonic sensors to determine its position relative to other objects.
The robot is able to create a three-dimensional model of its environment and then operate within that environment. It is able to detect when it fails, and then rework the operation to work around failure. Once a correct method is determined, the robot can then repeat the corrected sequence of steps
Houskeeper Robot
This robot specialized for doing all the housekeeping. Its can reduce our cost and no need to hired maid. This robot also saved our time to do all the cleaning in house.
These robots facilitate our work, particularly to those who own careers. With the click of a button and the robot's work doing his job. Eventhough the cost are very expensive and not everybody afford to have this kind of robot but its valuable and useful for us.
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